摘要:This research analyzes moral values of two main characters; Jaime Miro as theprotagonist and Ramon Acoca as the antagonist. A moral value is one ofinteresting subject to discuss because it shows human beings behavior, attitudeand mind. And for describing moral values, the writer uses moral approach.Moral approach is important because it is used to find the moral messagesbehind the main characters by looking at their beliefs and behaves. Moralapproach is related to moral values because moral values are reflected from thecharacters behaviors, minds and attitudes. The problems of this research are themoral values that are implied from Jaime Miro as the protagonist and RamonAcoca as the antagonist. This research aims to describe moral values that areimplied from Jaime Miro as the protagonist and Ramon Acoca as the antagonist.For describing moral values of Jaime Miro and Ramon Acoca, the writer uses aqualitative method because the data is descriptive data such as written words orverbal expression from the main characters and their behaviors that have beenobserved. The writer used a qualitative method as her research method becausethe data is in the form of words and sentences (descriptive data), not in the formof numbers (numerical form). After analyzing the data, it can be concluded thatmoral values of Jaime Miro are bravery, faith, goodwill, friendship, care, andlove. Whereas moral values that can be learned from Ramon Acocas charactersare ambition, loyalty, justice, goodwill, control of anger and temperance. Thereare similarity and difference between Jaime Miro and Ramon Acocascharacters; however, the writer doesnt analyze them.