摘要:ABSTRACT :The problem of the research is how to translate English Relative Pronouns intoIndonesian from the data taken from The Adventure of the Christmas Puddingwhich is written by Agatha Christie and its Indonesian version SkandalPerjamuan Natal which is translated by Suwarni A.S. as the source of the data.The aim of the research is to find out how to translate English Relative Pronounsinto Indonesian from the data taken from The Adventure of The ChristmasPudding which is written by Agatha Christie and its Indonesian versionSkandal Perjamuan Natal which is translated by Suwarni A.S. This researchused qualitative method. The writer collected, classified, and identified the datarelated to the translation of the Relative Pronouns. Therefore the writer analyzedand displayed the data. The result of the research shows that most of RelativePronouns; who, whom, that, whose, and which is translated into yang.However, some Relative Pronouns is not translated (zero translation). It is donein order to make the translation sounds natural.