摘要:ABSTRACT :Bogor Botanic Garden is one of the most beautiful tourism objects in Indonesia.Bogor Botanic Garden offered something different from everything that we haveseen before. The beautiful garden has made people interested to visit there.Everyday there are so many tourists both local and international who came tothis place. Because Bogor Botanic Garden is one of the tourism objects inIndonesia, so the writer takes The Obstacles In guiding The tourists In BogorBotanic Garden as the topic of this scientific research. The aim of this fieldresearch are to describe the duties of the tour guide in Bogor Botanic Garden, toknow the problems faced by the tour guide, and what is the best way toovercome those obstacles. To be a professional guide, he or she must possess aknowledge that supported by the ability and a self conviction to run theirroutine duties. But in fact, the writer found some the obstacles that occur in thefield, especially in Bogor Botanic Garden. The obstacles that occur in BogorBotanic Garden are: there are tour guides who fault master the foreign languageand there are tour guides who do not know about the guiding technique. If theobstacles cannot be handle as soon, so it could be damage the image of theplace. In this paper, the writer researched about the obstacles and the method tohandle it all. So, the writer hopes this paper useful for the reader. ii