摘要:A book report is an essay, which gives Summary of a book and reaction to it. Itincludes information about title, place and year of publication as well as aSummary of the content of the book. In order to make a book report of thisbook, the writer explained about author, title, place and year publication, theSummary of and evaluation of this book. The book that the writer chooses"The Unofficial and Unauthorized Biography of Madonna." It is about thejourney life from a famous woman "Madonna" The writer chooses this bookbecause it tells about Madonna's life, as a superstar, and everybody in the worldknows her. By reading it, the readers will have much information from theiridol, especially for Madonnaâs fans. Madonna was born in the poor family,but she never ashamed with her conditions. This condition makes her strong.She always searches the way how to get what she wants in her life. There aremany ways she through, until she get her ambitions to be a singer, an artist, anauthor, and a good mother for her children