摘要:The problem of this research is what arethe translations English articles “a, an,the” into Indonesian based on the Englishnovel “The Man in the Brown Suit” byAgatha Christie and its translated version,Pria Bersetelan Coklat by Ny. SuwarniA.S. The aim of the study is to find out thetranslation of English articles “a, an, the”into Indonesian. The source of the data is“The Man in the Brown Suit” by AgathaChristie and its translated version, PriaBersetelan Coklat by Ny. Suwarni A.S.This research uses a qualitative method.The writer collecting the data, editing,classified the data concerning with thetranslation of English articles “a, an, the”.Then, the writer calculated andcategorized the translation of EnglishArticles “a, an, the”. The result of theresearch shows that there are categorizesof translating articles “a, an, the”, namelytranslated and not translated (niltranslation or zero). Articles “a” can betranslated into sebuah, seorang, suatu,secarik, and nil translation or zero.Articles “an” can be translated into sebuah,suatu, seorang, and nil translation or zero.Articles “the” can be translated into –nya,itu, and nil translation or zero.