摘要:Keyword : TRANSLATION, IMPLICIT, ORGANIZATIONAL, SUBSTITUTION, WORD ABSTRACT : This study wants to find out how English Implicit Organizational Meaning of Substitution words are translated into Indonesian. The object of the analysis is sentences which contain implicit meaning substitution words in John Grishams The Brethren and its Indonesian Version The Brethren Majelis which is translated by Diniarti Pandia. The writer wants to find out how English implicit organizational meaning of Substitution words are translated into Indonesian In this study, the writer conducted a qualitative research as there is a description of data from the source as well as from the product of the translation of implicit meaning in the novel. Implicit organizational meaning of substitution words can be translated implicitly or explicitly. A sentence which is translated explicitly as the translator wants to get a clear and understandable meaning. A sentence which is translated implicitly as the translator wants to avoid redundancy. Contextually, it can be understood in the previous sentence or the preceding sentence (Anaphorically or Cataphorically).