摘要:In every teaching, not only at the university nut also at school, such askindergarten must use the method of teaching. In teaching language especiallyEnglish, there are several kinds of teaching method. Those are GrammarTranslation method, Direct Method, The Audio- lingual Method, Total PhysicalResponse and Communicative Method. The problem of this research what arethe methods of teaching used to teach students at Kartika X- 6 Kindergarten?The aim of this research is to describe the method of teaching used at KartikaX-6 Kindergarten. The data were taken from the library and by doing fieldresearch. In this research, the writer uses descriptive method which coversanalysis and categorizing and also explaining data at Kartika X-6 Kindergarten.The writer observed the students at the class and teaching methods which areused by the teacher in teaching English at Kartika X-6 Kindergarten. The writeralso asks the teacher about the material of English teaching at this kindergarten. Key Words: Implementation, Teaching methods, Kindergarten