摘要:keyword: EQUIVALENCE, PASSIVE VOICE, NOVEL, HARRY POTTERAND THE SORCRER'S STONEABSTRACT :The study is entitled The Equivalence of Passive Voice from English intoIndonesian in novel Harry Potter and The Sorcerers Stone. The writer wantsto find out how passive voice is translated into Indonesian. The aims of thisresearch are identify the percentage of the equivalents of English passive voiceand the equivalences of English passive voice in Indonesian. The writer took anEnglish novel namely, Harry Potter and The Sorcerers Stone byJ.K.Rowling which is consist of 249 pages and 17 chapters, and its translationHarry Potter dan Batu Bertuah which is consist of 382 pages and 17 chapters. The writer just took 100 data from novel. The result shows that the Englishpassive voice is not only translated as di-, ter-, it is also translated as ber-, ke-,me-, and some adjectives. The highest percentage is di-.