摘要:In addition to get enjoyable and pleasure, we also get much knowledge bywatching films. We know about the social life and custom of a culture, peopleand even increasing of understanding the inequity in our society, beside as theentertainment, some films are the form the idealism of directors mind. MonaLisa Smile film which is inspirited by Mona Lisa painting, a masterpiece ofLeonardo Da Vinci tells a story of a person, a teacher who tries to open herstudents mind to their freedom to do whatever they want with their lives. Sheencourages her students to believe in themselves, to study to become careerprofessionals, and to improve their economic futures and not to conform tostereotypes of women made by society that women born to become housewivesand mothers which synchronize whit American dream. Like the Mona Lisapainting this film describes how every woman has to hide their problem andoppressed with smile. In analyzing cinema or film the writer uses grammar oftelevision culture through the level of reality, and level of ideology. Thetechnique of analysis through Rolan Barthezs Semiotic analysis by perceivingsign system of Mona Lisa Smile film, signified and then, interpreted. Themethod used in this study is qualitative method that assumes all knowledge isrelative, and there a subjective element to all knowledge research. The data inthis research are qualitative data. The analyzing combines with the theory ofgender and feminism. Through the analyzing the quotes, dialogues and behaviorthe writer find that every woman figure faces their problem with their smile.They look like strong and stiff like nothing happens. They hide their problemswith smiling, including the liberal figures like Katherine Watson, Giselle Levyand Amanda Armstrong. So it can be concluded that the women who wereoppressed, neither the conventional characters nor modern character, altogetherusing their smile to hide their problem.