摘要:ABSTRACT :In teaching writing, the ability to compose or to arrange words into a goodsentence is the basic skill, which has to be mastered by students. It needsexercises and experiences. The ability of the students in composing the wordsinto a good sentence is different from each other. It depends on some factors inteaching learning process, such as motivation to learn and teaching techniquewhich is used by the teacher. The aim of this research is to describe thecomparison of the students ability in arranging words into a good sentence byusing scrambled words and wordcompletion technique. The writer wants toknow how far the students of SLTPN 01 Gn. Putri can understand aboutcomposing words using scrambled words and wordcompletion technique. Thisresearch uses quantitative method and qualitative descriptive method. The writeranalyzes the data from the post-test using the t-test table. And the writer alsouses the interview with the students and teacher. The result of the analysisshows that scrambled words technique more effective than word-completion.The data from the post-test shows that the t-observe higher than the t-critical(4.703 > 2.000).