摘要:Translation is very important for theprocess of exchanging information and theresult of its invention. Without translatingpeople cannot understand what peopletalking about or what is written in thebooks. In translating we can understandthe process of it. The aim of this paper totranslate short story and to describe intranslating from English into Indonesia.The article entitled “The Sign of Four”,tells about the Sherlock Holmes the mostfamous private detective in London. Hehelped to solve crimes and catch criminals.When people were in trouble or neededhelp, they came to Holmes. Sometimes thepolice came. Sometimes the police cameto Holmes and ask for help in catching acriminal. Holmes and ask for help inSherlock Holmes didn’t care if his clientwere rich or poor. He enjoyed solvingtheir interesting problems. He was veryhappy when he was working. It was themost important thing in his life. From thisstudy, the writer concludes that there aresome problems in translating an article.The writer uses dictionaries, grammaticaltextbooks, and internet in order to solvethe problems. Besides, it makes the writermore understand how to translate anarticle and make in clever andunderstandable. The writer hopes that thisresearch can be a guideline for readers,especially translators in translating either itis in article or a book.