摘要:ABSTRACT :The title of this thesis is An Analysis of Setting on Charles Dickens A Tale ofTwo Cities. The purposes of this research are to describe the setting of the storyand to find out the relation of setting to the characters and plot. A Tale of TwoCities is a historical novel written by Charles Dickens. This novel expressesDickens concern about social problem in England, particularly about the poor.He also used the French Revolution to strengthen the story and the characters.How Dickens told the story of his historical novel motivates the writer to do aresearch on it. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method because itanalyzes the setting and the relation of setting to the characters and plot which isin the form of written words or verbal expression from the characters. The writeruses a novel entitled A Tale of Two Cities as the primary source of the data; thedata themselves are the quotations of sentences that explain the setting of thestory and the relation of setting to the characters and plot. The writer takessecondary data such as references from some libraries and internet as well. Thewriter uses structural approach to find out the results of this research which arethe setting and the relation of setting to the characters and plot. She analyzes thethree elements of setting in the story, they are: place setting where the story islocated, time setting which describe the period of time when the story happens,and social setting which includes social status, manner, habits, custom, andtradition of the characters. She also analyzes how the setting related to thecharacters and plot. The writer finds out that the setting of A Tale of Two Citiesis located in London and Paris. The period time of the story holds between years1757 to 1793. The social setting that includes the social status, manner, habits,custom, and tradition of the characters is shown by the manner of Dr. AlexanderManette, Sidney Carton, and Madame Defarge. The relation of setting to thecharacter and plot is shown by the changing character of Dr. Alexander Manettebecause he always kept his shoemakers bench and tools, meanwhile therelation of setting to the plot can be seen when a street named Saint Antoine ismentioned in the story.