摘要:This research wants to find out what the morphological processes of Betawilanguage verb word class and the markers of the verb are. The aims of thisresearch are to describe what the morphological processes of Betawi langaugeverb word class are and also to describe what the markers of the verb are inBetawi language. In arranging this research, the researcher uses a descriptivequalitative method because there is a description explaination of the data and thedata analyzed are in the form of words and sentences. In the results of thisresearch, there are three morphological processes of Betawi language verb wordclass which are the productive and improductive verbal affixes as they combinewith verbs, productive and improductive verbal affixes in transposing nouns intoverbs and productive and improductive verbal affixes in transposing adjectivesinto verbs. There are seven affixes as the markers of verb word class in Betawilanguage which are prefixes N- active, bə- transitive, di- passive,kə-unintentional, suffix in causative, circumfixes N inrepetitive and di in passive. All of the affixes are productive in markingthe verbs as they combine with verbs except prefix bə-. Suffix in,circumfixes N in and di in are productive verbal affixes in transposing nounsand adjectives into verbs. Prefixes N-, bə-, di-, and kə- areimproductive affixes in transposing nouns into verbs and zero affixes intransposing adjectives into verbs.