摘要:In every teaching, not only at theuniversity but also at school, such askindergarten must use the method ofteaching. In teaching language especiallyEnglish, there are several kinds of teachingmethod. Those are Grammar – Translationmethod, Direct Method, The AudiolingualMethod, Total Physical Responseand Communicative Method. The problemof this research what are the methods ofteaching used to teachstudents at Kartika X- 6 Kindergarten?The aim of this research is to describe themethod of teaching used at Kartika X-6Kindergarten. The data were taken fromthe library and by doing field research. Inthis research, the writer uses descriptivemethod which covers analysis andcategorizing and also explaining data atKartika X-6 Kindergarten. The writerobserved the students at the class andteaching methods which are used by theteacher in teaching English at Kartika X-6Kindergarten. The writer also asks theteacher about the material of Englishteaching at this kindergarten.