摘要:The more days we are getting closer to the violence perpetrated against women.Such incidents are routinely present to us through the medium of television,newspapers or events that occur directly in front of us. Acts of violence againstwomen has been going on throughout the history of human life. Women say arevulnerable to all forms of violence, because his position is weak or deliberatelyweakened, both socially, economically, and politically. Actions or treatment ofviolence against women transformed into various forms of everyday life ofwomen in almost all societies. Violence against women is an important issuebecause the situation is getting worse, and was rooted so strong that almost nolonger visible the existence of violence that always faced women. In thesocialization role of women see marriage as a goal in life and source happiness.The person mentioned is the husband or partner in a marriage or a better knownby the term domestic violence. Domestic violence itself is defined as any actagainst anyone, especially women, which result in misery or suffering ofphysical, sexual, psychological, and / or negligence of household includingthreat to commit act, coercion, or deprivation of liberty unlawfully within thescope of household. In this case, the violence directed at women is the wife ofdomestic violence victims. The violence itself is divided into various forms ofphysical violence, psychological violence, economic violence, sexual violence,and spiritual violence. Therefore, the researcher uses a qualitative approachmethod to obtain a thorough understanding, intact, and the depth of thephenomenon under study. Researchers also use vi-making techniques with theinterview data using the tools of research that is guided interview and a taperecorder to facilitate the research process. The subjects studied are wives whoare victims of domestic violence, at least have been married for two years, notdivorced, and at least one type of violence experienced. Having conducted thethird study indicated that subjects experienced more than one form of violencebut only on the three subjects have the spiritual violence that is where theperpetrator is usually condescending confidence and trust of the subject, forcing