摘要:ABSTRACT :Couples in the first years of marriage had experienced many changes in herlife. Therefore, the role of emotional intelligence is so important to achievingsuccess in marital adjustment. According to Salovey & Mayer (in Stein & Book2002), emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize feelings, reach andarouse feelings to help the mind, understanding feelings and their meaning indepth and control the feelings that help emotional and intellectual development.With emotional intelligence, each partner will learn to understand, feel andrecognize the feelings of himself and others. Therefore, there are aspects ofemotional intelligence. According to Goleman (2003), these aspects include:self-identify emotions, managing emotions, motivating oneself, recognizingemotions in others or empathize, and build relationships. Basically, theadjustment in the marriage took place should be cultivated and continuallythroughout the age of marriage. Therefore, each partner is required to adjust totheir partner. According to Burgess, et al (Scanzoni & Scanzoni in 1976),adjustment in marriage is an agreement between husband and wife on importantmatters of marriage, marked by the interests and activities conducted jointly,each of affections and mutual trust, only have few complaints and did not oftenexperience feelings of loneliness, sadness, anger and so forth. Adjustment hasseveral characteristics including: having an accurate perception of reality orreality, able to cope or deal with stress and anxiety, have a positive self-image,able to express feelings, and have good interpersonal relationship (Haber &Runyon 1984). Those characteristics of good adjustment to possesssomeone. Because of this phenomenon is very close to everyday researchersbecause it is within the scope of the development of the researchers wanted toknow how much emotional intelligence relationship with marital adjustment inthe newly married couple for three years. The sampling technique used wasAccidental sampling where the sample members are selected, taken on the easeof getting the necessary data, such as easily found or accessible or chanceencounter. Subjects numbered 50 people. Method of data collection is done byquestionnaire method of emotional intelligence scale and the scale adjustmentby using the techniques of data analysis using product moment correlationanalysis of Karl Pearson. Data analysis is done using a computer programassistance Version SPSS 12.0 for Windows. Based on the results of researchknown that emotional intelligence contributes significantly to the adjustment inmarriage to the newly married couple for three years. Contribution given by theresults declared R Square of 43.3%, while 56.7% influenced by other factors.