摘要:Keyword: Key Word : graduate, self concept, unemploymentAbstrack:ABSTRACT :Since the economic crisis and monetary, there are many bankrupt companies and the workers lay off. Many well-educated labor and uneducated labor was jobless. According to the annual statistical Indonesia, the increment percentage in educated unemployment reaches its highest degree. Unemployment is a labor force that is not working but looking for full-timers work in search of work. According to Rice(1990) the situation of unemployment in the individual causing the loss of self-esteem. Work has a great influence on self-identity Fieldman 1989). Identity and self-worth individuals who have self-concept will affect the individual. The concept itself is a conception of self, whether physical, social and psychological acquired through individual experience in interaction with others. A subject in this study is the Bachelor of S1 that has passed at least 9 months with a minimum age of 23 years and includes the open unemployment. Data collection techniques using the type of interviews with general guidelines and observations based on non-participant observation and structured. Conclusions from the findings that the subject jobless graduates who have a tendency to have a positive self concept and there is a tendency to a negative self-concept. It was influenced by the role of family factors, the role of social factors and the role of learning factors.