摘要:There has been lot of evidence that illustrates the shift in views about theseparation of the nature of activities and gender roles between men and women.Today, many women work in the area of work where previously consideredsuitable for men only. At present, there are women working as drivers, porters,sailors, brokers, directors, lawyers, etc. and there are men who worked as adesigner, salon, dancers, and others. This study aims to describe adjustment ofwomen working in the area of men. With that purpose, the appropriate researchapproach is qualitative. Data was collected through observation and in-depthinterviews. The subjects of this study were 2 women working in the area of men.The first subject was 42 years old and worked as a street can timer in theintersection of RTM, Kelapa Dua, Depok, while the second subject is54-year-old woman who is stone breaker at the banks of river Ciapus Bogor.From the results of data analysis, it can be seen that both subjects make a goodadjustment. Adjustment process undertaken by the two subjects in adaptingthemselves with the job, with boss, with the environment around the workplace,and with the rules of work done is different from men depend on the situation.Factors that influence womens adjustment are different mens. However, ingeneral, adjustment among women is influenced by their ability to maintaingood relations, financial condition, healthy physical condition, hobbies andinterests, and religion.