摘要:This study aims to see how the image of working time management and stress ofwork at a daily newspaper reporter heading masses. Working time managementis a skill to use time effectively and efficiently, to manage what is done in thattime. With no ability to manage time, a journalist is likely to replace aproductive activity with activities that are not important, so would increasinglyalienate journalists to the achievement of objectives and cause job stress. Thesubject of this research is a daily newspaper reporter who was heading themasses through his job as a journalist for about share a single year. Techniquesused in this study are interviews and observation. Interviews in this researchways to use aspects of working time management and stress characteristics ofwork, management aspects of working time includes set goals, arrangepriorities, be assertive, to avoid delays, minimize the time wasted. While thecharacteristics of job stress behaviors (actions), Mental, Emotional (feelings),physical aspects, in addition to the interviews of this study is equipped with anobservation by using the kind of participant observation, and not structured.From the results of research conducted, subject and significant others in ourstudy proved that, subject to manage his time, although not with the programsplanned well. With state of the subject that can manage their work time, so thesubject did not experience job stress. But the subject of environmental havingstress from family, which carried up to their work place