摘要:Key Word : mothers, anxiety, dealing, child, adolescentABSTRACT :The research aims to find out about the anxiety women face at the age of theeldest child and adolescent causes of maternal anxiety facing the eldest child inadolescence. Research question how the picture of anxiety experienced bymothers in the face of the eldest child in adolescence and what factors areaffecting maternal anxiety in the face of the eldest child in adolescence. Themethod used in this study is a qualitative study using triangulation theory andsources analyzed in some cases associated with the theories that have been there.Techniques used in this study are interviews with the general guidelines andobservations carried out research on three subjects to compare the picture andthe factors of parental anxiety in the face of the eldest child with their teens.These results indicate that the anxiety experienced by mothers can be seen fromthe four symptoms of anxiety is the manifestation of the subjects experiencedcognitive anxiety, which causes difficulty concentrating, restlessness anddifficulty sleeping. Anxiety is manifested into motor behavior that causes thesubject to movements irregular and not directed without realizing it. Later insomatic manifestations of anxiety in the form of physical and biologicalreactions that cause the subject is in a situation that causes anxiety. Last is theanxiety of affection is the individual feelings of anxiety that cause concern,fear,, The factors that cause maternal anxiety to the eldest child in adolescencethan the symptoms of anxiety.