摘要:College while working not too familiar in Indonesia, but there are students whodoing it. Students motivate to college while working is to increase theallowance, tuition, or just leisure. Students who serve as student and employee,because of the demands of their role as students and employees can lead toconflict, and can be a source of stress for him. This study aims to find a pictureof stress on early adult acting as students and employees, as well as the factorsthat influence it. Stress is a condition or state of imbalance created by the peopleperception of the demands of the environment or the self-weighing and beyondtheir ability so that he could not handle it. Subjects who made this researchmaterial the student is 24 years old and 27-year-old student. The method usedwas interviews and observation. The research question is how stress studentsacting as students and employees as well as what factors are making themexperience stress. Stress symptoms experienced by the subject, which serves asa student and staff include physical symptoms such as headache subjects, sleepdisorder, insomnia, backache, muscle tension especially in the neck andshoulders, too sweaty, appetite changes, fatigue, and growing a lot of mistakesin work and life. Emotional symptoms such as subject experienced anxiety,sadness / crying easily, mood changes quickly, easily offended, andnervous. Intellectual symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, makingdecisions difficult, decreased memory, excessive daydreaming, lost yangshealthy sense of humor, easily forgotten, decreased work performance, and inthe workplace increases the number of errors made. Interpersonal symptomssuch as loss of confidence on the subject of other people and "silencing" ofothers. Demands of the role of students and employees who are experiencedsubjects 1 and 2, there are things that hinder the subject in carrying out its roleas a student and employee of the distance between the offices and place them incollege and this is the main cause of stress for subjects experiencing symptomsof stress arising due to the roles of both the subject as a student andemployee. From the results of research that have been made known that thesubject suffered stress because of their role as students and employees.