摘要:The development and the current era of globalization, not a few women whohave career opportunities outside the home and occupy important positions inthe company. With an opportunity to get a career for women today, a lot ofinfluence on lifestyle choices women themselves, which is delayed by reason ofmarriage or being single. To conduct further review, the researchers used thetechnique of case studies case study method of data collection techniques in thiscase study uses interviews and the use of psychological tests. In addition otherdata collection techniques researchers are also using non-participantobservation. Interviews were conducted in the subjects home. The purpose ofthis paper is to determine what factors are the cause of a career woman chosenot to marry and the effects of everything from not married to everyday life.Theresults of this research is that there are factors that influence the career womanto being single. These factors is a good education, traumatic experience, isresponsible for taking care of both parents, reluctance to have children and takecare, self-resistance of these women, feeling and desire to enjoy freedom(Hurlock, 1980). There are also effects experienced by women who are notmarried either positive or negative from the single, the positive impact of theexistence of freedom, of privacy or personal rights are intact, allowing a personin pursuit of career goals without compromise must be accompanied bysomeone else, more likely to develop or undergo a variety of interpersonalrelationships (friendships) and expand relationships, the emergence of a sense ofthe quality of life itself is good enough and high competence, the independenceof living does not depend on the partner or husband, presence of a greaterpossibility of make progress and change, The possibility to form a new identitydespite the difficulty in determining a new identity among many. Besidespositive impacts, there are some negative impacts of the single, including theloneliness, the incidence of out-group feeling of being in the majoritycommunity that people are people who are married, the social structure in adults, where social structures are often involved activities undertaken in pairsor directed at people who have been paired so that unmarried women often feelout-group, often feel that decided to get married is an act that is wrong or notwell enough to feel pressured to live a life.