摘要:Picture of stress in adolescents who experience divorce parents can be seen fromthe physical aspect, namely difficulty sleeping, headaches, difficult urination,indigestion, etc.. In terms of emotional, which is angry, irritable and verysensitive, depressed, nervous, mental lethargy, easy enemies. In terms ofintellectual, that is easy to forget, chaotic thoughts, decreased memory,difficulty concentrating, like day dreaming. From interpersonal aspects, namelyindifference and silence of others, trust in others decreases, easy to break apromise, glad to find fault with others, shut down excessively. The factors thatcontributed to the subject's reaction to stress, is divided into two namely, thefactors that can increase stress include the intensity and duration of stress, thepresence of another stressor, and the experience and the warnings of thepresence of a stressor. Besides the factors that reduce stress are individualcharacteristics, social support, and the ability to control (PersonalControl). Coping strategies used to cope with stress, coping in this case that canbe used to help cope with stress is the Problem-Focused Coping strategies thatcan be done is, active coping, planning, ignoring other activities (supression ofcompeting activities ), control coping (Restrain coping), and seeking socialsupport for instrumental reasons (seeking of instrumental social support.Emotion-Focused Coping, and strategies that can be implemented, amongothers, seeking social support for emotional reasons (seeking of emotional socialsupport), denial, positive reappraisal, acceptance, and returns to the faith (returnto religion). In addition there is also an ineffective coping / maladaptive, amongothers, is the focus and venting of emotion, behavioral disengagement, andmental disengagement.