摘要:Key Word : women, marriage, satisfaction, under contractABSTRACT :This study aims to find out how the picture of marital satisfaction in womenwho done the marriage contract and to determine what factors are influencingmarital satisfaction in women who done the marriage contract. Maritalsatisfaction is where the husband is the fulfillment of feeling valued, loyalty andagreement on the future of the relationship. As for the wife marital satisfactionis the fulfillment of emotional security, communication and intimacy. Marriagecontract is a marriage between a man and a woman with a certain dowry for alimited period which ends with a period of time ending. In general, the marriagecontract by a rich man who is able to meet the material needs, whereas womenwho perform these marriages are lacking in material things but has an attractiveappearance and beautiful. Marriage contracts can be done by a single man /assigned in a place, and live with local women / regions. But there is also theman who in the place of origin have a family, a wife and children, then marrieda local resident where he worked. Once the contract is over, usually after thecontract was also married. In this study, qualitative methods be used capture therespondents as a resource and the significant other in the process of interviewingand observation. Using data from the subject Triangulation researchers,significant other and supported by the theories. Results obtained in this studystated that marriage satisfaction in marriage contracts are not satisfied becausesubjects partner giving less affection and less communicate each other.