摘要:In adolescence, individuals are expected to interact with others. In thisinteraction process teens hang out and socialize with other people. To be able todevelop intimate relationships and satisfying adolescents need to open upthrough the attitudes and behavior, one of which is assertive behavior. Assertivebehavior in generating the individual needs of emotions, especially emotionalmaturity. This study aims to test whether there is a contribution to the emotionalmaturity of assertive behavior in the late teens. The data was collected onGunadarma University Psychology Students Depok. Data obtained through thequestionnaire Tryout method used. Respondents who got 100 people, is apsychology student level 1, 2, and 3 are aged between 18-21 years. The dataobtained and analyzed using simple regression analysis technique with the helpof SPSS for Windows 11 Ver. To measure the emotional maturity firstconducted validity and reliability tests with Cronbach Alpha techniques, withthe help of SPSS for Windows 11 Ver. Of 59 items tested try to obtained 49valid items with correlations ranging from 0.1996 to 0.6085. To test thereliability values obtained reliability of 0.8761, which is quite reliable sinceapproaches 1. As for the measurement of assertive behavior obtained 44 validitems from the 59 items tested with a correlation try to ranging from 0.2072 to0.5217.To test the reliability values obtained reliability of 0.8588, which is quitereliable since approaches 1. Based on our research, obtained results that thesubject has a maturity level of high emotion, where the mean empirical of255.58 is greater than hypothetical mean plus one standard deviation (171.5 +23.73). The subject also has a level of high assertive behavior, which gained242.09 for the empirical mean is greater than hypothetical mean plus onestandard deviation (154 + 21:21). While based on the analysis results by usingsimple regression obtained F for 114,610 by 0000 significance (