摘要:Nowadays women are considered equal by men in a variety of activities. As aresult of the ideology propagated by the feminist or movements that pursue thesame respect for women and men, then women are no longer satisfied with thelimited role of women in the management of household tasks only (Ihromi,1990). Thus, a womans work means it has two roles that must be lived in dailylife. Two or more roles that are owned by someone called with a dual role(multiple roles), which each role has different demands (Katz &Rosenzweigh in Anindyajati, 2001), this resulted in conflict and stress on thesubject myself. Conflict is a state where there are forces opposing directions, butthe content force that is approximately equal (Sarwono, 1999). According toAtwater (1983) defined stress as the demands or requests that require theresponse of individual adjustment or claims adjustment is part of human life isnot inevitable, that in any situation human beings are basically dealing with thedemands of such adjustments. In coping with stress is subject to several types ofcoping strategies, as for coping strategies that do cover the subject mattercentered coping (problem focused coping) and emotion focused coping (emotionfocused coping). This is done subject to cope with stress is a problem-centeredroads to the mall, eating outside the home, relationship to siblings, went tosalon, and trying to find a maid. In addition to dealing with stress the centralizedproblem is also subject to overcome the emotional stress is a subject-centered todo is get closer to Allah and try to be patient.