摘要:ABSTRACT :This study aims to determine which picture of trafficking and how the subjectexperienced posttraumatic stress disorder adolescence victims of trafficking insexual exploitation case. Posttraumatic stress disorder is a psychiatric conditionwith typical symptoms such as easily startled, nightmares, sleep disturbance,stiff response to the outside world, loss of concentration, eating disorders, aresult of the traumatic event that is extraordinary can sometimes belife-threatening someone who experienced such violence sexual, the trafficaccidents severe natural disasters, and so on. Harvey (2000) describes thesymptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder, namely: a) already terekpos withtraumatic events, b) consistently re-experience traumatic events, c) away fromthe action is continuously on the stimuli associated with trauma, d) arisessymptoms recurrence, e) any change in the rules, which can affect the emotionand impulse, f) any change in consciousness, g) any change in the perception ofself, h) had somatization, i) changing relationships with others, j) having aphysical disorder, k) cognitively impaired, l) experienced a change in thepsychological reactions of people trafficking is the movement by the otherparties by using violence, threat of force, fraud, for the purpose of exploitationof these people are sexually and economically to other parties such as benefitrecruiters, pimps, brokers, brothel owners, customers, or a criminal syndicate inthe territorial boundaries of a country, between countries, in a region or betweencontinents. Research approach used is a case study. Data collection method usedis depth interviews with an interview guide and non-participant observation withthe observation guidelines research subject was a woman aged 19years. Subjects lived in the area Cianjur. The subject is the 6th child of 11brothers. While the researchers significant other get is the mother of the subjectitself. The subject is a victim of trafficking who are sold to Riau. Subjects inRiau as prostitutes. During the Riau subjects who do not get humanetreatment. Subjects experienced physical violence, psychological, verbal,economic. Bad experiences that happened to the subject makes the subjectexperiencing posttraumatic stress disorder. Description of symptoms ofposttraumatic stress disorder experienced by the subjects, among others havebeen exposed to events that can be made subject to trauma, the subject hasre-experiencing traumatic events such as nightmares, feeling as if the traumaticevent appears again, away from the action against the presence of stimuliassociated with made the subject of trauma, there is a pathological symptomssuch as difficulty sleeping, irritability, and so on. Changes also occur in thedrive, feelings of self-subject, self-perception, consciousness, relationships, andpsychological reactions. Research suggestions are 1) further research be carriedout again with a broader theme, 2) recommendations to the community andgovernment to improve its business relating to the prevention of trafficking, 3)the subject and the family to be more closer to God and increase protection forfamily members .