摘要:This study aimed to know the differences between adolescent emotionalviolence of men and women are dating. Teens use social media to reproduce afriend. Through interaction with the opposite sex, is largely a process to beginthe introductions that exceed a relationship of friendship, which could developinto a dating relationship. Ideally at the time there was a feeling inside datingunderstand each other, offer support, but often contradictory, thus emerge aform of dating that contain violence, one of emotional violence. Furthermore,this research aims to uncover differences in the level of emotional abuse inadolescent male and female adolescents are dating.. Collecting data using aquestionnaire (questionnaire). Hiptesis test data using two-sample test was notrelated to the Mann-Whitney U test and Kolmogorov normality test with SPSSapplication Smornov ver. 13 for Windows. In a scale measuring emotionalviolence, first tested the validity (Pearsons Product Moment Correlation) andReliability (Cronbach Alpha), from 53 aitem than tested, obtained 42 aitemvalid, the validity coefficient between 0311-0638, and the reliability coefficientobtained for 0924. Based on the analysis, known to one of the subject is notnormal (Sig = 0006 (p < 0.05)) then use a hypothesis test, Mann-Whitney U test.Obtained value of Z = 0636 and the column Asymp. Sig (2-tailed) = 0525, theprobability (0525 > 0:05). Once categorized, it is known that the subject ofemotional abuse of men and women equally in middle category of male groupsEmpirical Mean = 89.86 and womens groups Empirical Mean = 91.04. Thisshows that gender does not affect the behavior of emotional violence duringdating.