摘要:Narkoba is Indonesians short word for narcotic drugs, psychotropic substancesand substances or addictive substances. Basically narkoba itself is a substance,either natural or synthetic, which can decrease the activity of the brain orstimulate the central nervous system and cause behavioral abnormalities,coupled with the emergence of hallucinations (menghayal), illusion, impairedthinking, and was against the law (art. 59, Law No. 5, 1997, regardingpsychotropic; Article 84, 85, and article 86 of Law No. 22 years in 1997 onnarcotics. Drugs covers all sorts of substances that are misused for getting,drunk, or high fly which can change one's awareness level.. Hurlock(1996) defines the concept of self as one's own description of himself.While Hilgard (in Mardianti, 2000) says that the concept itself is a compositionconsisting of ideas, feelings and all that has someone on him. Brooks andEmmert (in Grace, 1996) divides itself into two forms of the concept of positiveself-concept and negative self-concept. Positive or negative self-concept isdetermined by individual assessment based on the perception of how peopleperceive it, someone who thinks he is received will likely have a positiveself-concept and vice versa, people who felt himself rejected will likely have anegative self concept. In adolescence occurred several changes such as changesin the physical aspects, cognition, personality, sexual and social.. As a teenagerwhere there is a big change that provides a challenge to the individual to adjustto his environment. At this time the formation will occur on adolescent selfconcept is inherent to internal factors and external. This study aimed to get apicture of self-concept (self-concept) in adolescent drug abuse. Based on thedescription it appears that the intensive communication between parent andchildren, especially teenagers who can influence and shape the concept ofhimself and see the picture of self-concept as a result of drug abuse. Thesubjects were young women who abuse drugs type of shabu-shabu, aged 21, asubject taken from different communities in Jakarta