摘要:This research aims to find out what the cause of domestic violence experiencedby a wife, the types of violence whatever happens, and the pride of a wife whoexperience domestic violence. Self-esteem is an individual evaluation of thegeneral himself who is the attitude of acceptance or rejection of the individual assomeone who is capable, successful, successful, and valuable as a result of theinteraction between the individual and his environment. Domestic violence is aform of unpleasant treatment in the form of physical abuse, psychological, orsexual diberkan by someone in a family against another family member, arepersecuted, attacked, or forced to create a threat or causing menciderai negativeeffects physically, emotional and psychological against any person whobecomes the target. The subject of this research is a wife who experiencedomestic violence in many times, at least for one year. Based on the aboveopinions, then the subjects in this study amounted to one person. Based onresearch results, it can be concluded that the factors that cause domestic violenceis patriarchal culture, the wrong interpretation of religious teachings, and theinfluence of role models. Subject experienced all forms of domestic violence,and the subjects categorized deiri prices low.