摘要:Keyword: Keywords: adolescent, grief.Abstrack:ABSTRACT:Losing a loved one's death is an unwanted by everyone. Any death occurring events will arise a sense of sadness and grief it will cause a grief Grief is grief experienced by a person who was left by their loved ones through death. Grief appears as a separate person and someone or something important for themselves; their grief is a natural reaction to losing someone through death. Generally composed grief and suffering, emptiness, gloom and depression. In the case studies conducted noodles meant to know the symptoms-gej-style in which the grief, especially grief experienced by teenagers.Adolescence is a time of transition toward adulthood, a period of transition and imaturasi childhood to adulthood maturation, as well as preparations for the future, so that teenagers rnernbutuhkan more guidance and attention to directing himself for the better if a teenager, especially young men confronted by the events of losing someone or something valuable in his life because of death, to make his soul increasingly become unstable In this research the researchers wanted to know how the grief reaction that appears on the young men, the process of grief and growth factors that cause grief in young men. In this research method ~ writer uses research methods kualitat ~ / â € ™ with the kind of case study research. According to Creswell, Denzin %26 Lincoln (in Heru Basuki, 2006) ~ f kualitat research is research that aims to gain a deep understanding of human problems and social, rather than describing the surface and a. reality as conducted quantitative research with positivismenya. This research examines the grief of young men because both parents died. Subject in this research is a young man whose age was between 11-24 years. Based on the results of the study, which appeared on the subject of grief can be seen and the expression that appears is the physical expression, expression kognit ~ [~ afekty expression and expression in the form of behavior. In addition, and expression can also be viewed and grief process of development that have been passed by the subject of denial, realization, the feeling of Abandonment, Despair Crying, restlessness, anger, guilt, feeling of loss, Longing, voluntary return to society. The subject of grief through the development process but in the process of development of the latter is the deminishment of grief and the beginning of a full recovery has not been able to pass the subject. The factors that cause the grief experiences by subject is an individual relationship with the deceased, the process of death, gender of people who is leaved, family background, support system. GRIEF PADA REMAJA PUTRA