摘要:Education is the key to development of a nation. Teachers as one componentrelated to the quality of education occupies a very strategic role. Teachers asgood models for their students should have a positive self concept, because theconcept itself will affect the behavior of individuals. Teachers with positiveself-concept would be easy to obtain success in the educational process andteaching. With the success of this acquisition will create a sense of satisfactionor job satisfaction. Self-concept associated with the positive attitude of everyindividual. Individuals who have a positive attitude will show a goodperformance, so easy to obtain success and achieve high employee satisfaction.A teacher who has a positive self concept will be easy to achieve high employeesatisfaction, and vice versa. So this research aims to examine the relationshipbetween self-concept and job satisfaction of teachers. The data was collectedusing a questionnaire consisting of self-concept scale and the scale of jobsatisfaction as much as 85 copies, which are divided into 47 copies for TeachersSMUN 34 South Jakarta, and 38 copies for Teachers SMUN 66 South. Thehypothesis testing was done by using Pearson Product Moment Correlation, andthe normality test was done by Kolmogorov - Smirnov test with the applicationof SPSS ver. 11.5 Windows. For the scale measuring self-concept and jobsatisfaction first tested the validity with Pearson Product Moment Correlationand Cronbach Alpha reliability with the technique with the aid of SPSS verapplications. 11.5 Windows. Of the 53 self-concept scale aitem tested, obtaineda valid aitem 47, with a validity coefficient move between 0.2414 0.7946, and iiiobtained reliability coefficient of 0.7497. While job satisfaction scale of thenumber 43 aitem aitem who have tested a aitem who otherwise fall.. Based onthis research by testing the hypothesis, it is known that the correlationcoefficient obtained for 0662 with a significant level of 0000 (p < 0.01). Thendo the categorization is also self-concept and job satisfaction. It is known that self-concept included in the categorization of high, with an empirical mean of248.89. Whereas job satisfaction has a categorization is, with the empiricalMean 197.02. Based on these results, we can see that there was a significantrelationship between self-concept and job satisfaction of teachers. The higherscore of self-concept scale, the higher the work satisfaction scales score.