摘要:This research aims to examine how the concept of self in a single woman, alsoto examine the factors that influence self-concept on a single woman. Theconcept of self is the perception of self, whether physical, psychological socialand individual experiences gained through interaction with others. The conceptitself is divided into two forms of positive self-concept and negativeself-concept. Someone who has a positive self-concept means that he knowshimself very well, while those who have a negative self-concept means that heknew very little about him. Someone will have a positive self concept andsupported by the negative factors around him, including the role of parents, therole of social factors, reference groups and failure. The sample in this study wasa woman aged 33 years and not married or still single. According Poerwandari(1998), says that with the focus on the depth qualitative research and process,qualitative research tends to do with the number of cases slightly. Based on theabove opinions, the subjects in this study amounted to 1 person. Data collectiontechniques is done by observation and interviews. According Subagyo (inPoerwandari 1998), the interview is an activity carried out to obtain informationdirectly to reveal the questions on the respondents. According to Patton (inPoerwandari 1998), one of the important but often forgotten in the process ofobservation is to observe things that did not happen. From the results of dataanalysis carried out showed that the subject has a positive self concept. It can beseen from the subject's confidence in her appearance, the subject is one that isnot easily discouraged, and the subject including the subject of an independentand proud of himself, because eventhough still single subject can succeed ineducation and careers. For her single status is not affected in any conduct allactivities. This is also supported by the encouraging factors influencing thesubjects in the self-concept of the role of parents, the role of social factors,reference groups and attitudes subject to failures in relationships with theopposite sex.