摘要:The aim of the study was to determine the attributes for airline websites and evaluate the airline companies’ websites depending upon these variables via a consumer oriented approach. The website attributes have been determined by means of a literature review followed by a content analysis to the websites of the top ten airline companies in terms of the passengers carried. The evaluation of the airline websites has been carried out by importance-performance analysis. Within this context, the importance of the attributes has been examined by means of a questionnaire applied to the touristic consumers and the performances have been measured by a content analysis to the airline companies’ websites. Within the scope of the attribute determination process, an instrument with 93 attributes in six groups has been developed which may help practitioners and subsequent researchers while designing or evaluating airline companies’ websites. As a result of the importance - performance analysis, airline companies have been recommended to improve the performance of 37 attributes, while keeping up the good work for the other 56. Moreover, both touristic consumers and airline companies were enthusiastic to use the airline websites as a complete marketing channel.
关键词:Electronic commerce; marketing; tourism; airline; internet