摘要:The study’s main objective was to come up with a model of employee satisfaction for the health-related professionals in South Africa. Among the reasons for this were high levels of health-related professional attrition and low levels of employee satisfaction within the health-related professions of South Africa. This original study derives its relevance on the basis of lack of a model for measuring employee satisfaction in the health-related profession in South Africa. Also, studies on employee satisfaction in South Africa focus hugely on medical doctors and nurses, without a commensurate interest in health-related professionals such as pharmacists, emergency medical services personnel, optometrists, and laboratory technologists. A descriptive survey design was utilised in this study warranting the use of a questionnaire which combines facets of job satisfaction with organisational climate dimensions. Making use of exploratory factor analysis, the study realised a rotated component matrix, which then helped in grouping together all the items with high correlation to each other. From the grouped items emerged new factors. Each factor was then labelled differently. The new factors are role clarification and job design; equitable performance management; and integrated leadership and knowledge sharing. The others include self-efficacy; family-friendly work environments (FFWE’s), leader credibility and innovation and excellent customer relations and technology. These new factors represent a significant component of the model of employee satisfaction amongst the health-related professionals in South Africa.
关键词:Model of employee satisfaction; health-related profession; allied health profession; exploratory factor analysis; South Africa