摘要:We constructed a regional geoid model and compared it with the EGM2008 global gravity-field model to evaluate the performance of EGM2008 for Korea. By using the Remove–Compute–Restore (RCR) technique, we developed an improved gravimetric geoid model JNUGEOID2010 on a 1 × 1′ grid by combining the EIGEN-GL04C global geopotential model (GGM), 8316 land-gravity data, an altimetry-derived marine gravity model DNSC08, and the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) digital elevation model (DEM). The computations were done using a two-dimensional four-band spherical fast Fourier transform (FFT) with 100% zero padding. In addition, we compared the Korean national gravimetric geoid model KGEOID98 to EGM2008. For the comparison, geometric geoid heights derived from 735 GPS-levelling stations were used. The smallest standard deviation of geoid height differences is ± 0.163 m for EGM2008 to degree and order 2190. Thus, we conclude that the new model EGM2008 is superior to the two regional gravimetric geoid models, JNUGEOID2010 and KGEOID98, for Korea.
关键词:Regional geoid model; EGM2008; Global geopotential models; GPS-levelling; geoid height; Korea