摘要:Epilepsy is an abnormal recurrent disease, resulting from various disorders of central nervous system. In this study, we aimed to compare the patients in terms of therapeutic efficiency. We enrolled a total of 106 patients in the study and of them, 45 were male and 61 were female, aged between 2 to 52 years. Of these patients, 69 (65%) had partial and 37 (35%) had generalized seizures. Seventy three patients were being treated with monotherapy and 33 patients were being treated with polytherapy. The number of the patients that were taking monotherapy was higher in the pediatric group (age, 0 to 16) compared to adult group (age, above 16). In the study, we tried to express the importance of monotherapy in the pediatric patients, the higher number of the pathologies that can be detected using an imaging method in the patients with partial epilepsy compared to that of generalized epilepsy, and the most frequent occurrence of therapeutic resistance in the partial epilepsies.