摘要:AbstractThis paper presents a framework for automatic synthesis of a control sequence for multi-agent systems governed by continuous linear dynamics under timed constraints. First, the motion of the agents in the workspace is abstracted into individual Transition Systems (TS). Second, each agent is assigned with an individual formula given in Metric Interval Temporal Logic (MITL) and in parallel, the team of agents is assigned with a collaborative team formula. The proposed method is based on a correct-by-construction control synthesis method, and hence guarantees that the resulting closed-loop system will satisfy the desired specifications. The specifications considers boolean-valued properties under real-time bounds. Extended simulations has been performed in order to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed methodology.
关键词:KeywordsReachability analysisVerificationabstraction of hybrid systemsMulti-agent systemsControl design for hybrid systemsModellingcontrol of hybriddiscrete event systemsTemporal Logic