标题:Fault-Tolerant Adaptive Control Allocation for Unmanned Multirotor Helicopter * * This work is supported partially by the scholarship from China Scholarship Council (CSC) (No. 201406290023) and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
摘要:AbstractThis paper proposes an adaptive sliding mode control allocation scheme for accommodating simultaneous actuator fault/failure. A control allocation and re-allocation scheme is synthesized to redistribute the control signals among the working actuators. In the case of the desired virtual control not being achieved, the proposed on-line adaptive scheme can seamlessly adjust the control gain to stabilize the overall system. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated by the simulation results based on a modified unmanned multirotor helicopter under simultaneous actuator fault/failure conditions.
关键词:KeywordsFault-tolerant controlsliding mode controladaptive control allocationunmanned multirotor helicoptersimultaneous actuator faults