标题:H 2 State Feedback Control Design of Positive Switched Linear Systems * * This work was supported by Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq/Brazil).
摘要:AbstractThis paper focuses on a still open state feedback control design problem of positive switched linear systems in continuous-time domain. The main goal is to design a globally asymptotically stabilizing switching function together with a set of state feedback gains preserving closed-loop system positivity and assuring a prescribedH2guaranteed cost. The main difficulty to be faced is that the conditions needed to assure positivity are highly nonconvex making the problem difficult to solve. As a first step, sufficient and generally conservative conditions expressed in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMI) are provided. Afterwards, a globally convergent sequence of convex programming problems able to deal with nonconvex constraints is proposed. The algorithm is based on a Generalized Kleinman-Newton Method and represents the main result of the paper. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is evaluated by means of a simple academical example.