摘要:AbstractIn this paper, we describe an architectural framework by which a mobile robot can learn how to autonomously assemble solid 3D brick structures according to user-specified designs. The policies of actions to perform the construction task are obtained from a simulation environment using Reinforcement Learning (RL) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) approaches. The proposed planning architecture is used to simultaneously solve three problems: 1) to generate feasible construction policies, 2) to define the set of maneuvers for the vehicle to carry out the assembly task, and 3) to obtain the set of trajectories for handling and mounting parts while avoiding fixed obstacles. During the learning process the power limitation of the ground robot is taken into account. Simulation results show that the set of learned actions may efficiently perform the construction procedures without resulting in conditions which prevent the fulfillment of the assembly procedures. The synthesis of this system opens the way to the development of intelligent construction approaches using ground robots.