标题:Optimal resource allocation for bacterial growth with degradation * * This work was supported in part by the project RESET (Bioin-formatique, ANR-11-BINF-0005) and program LABEX SIGNALIFE (ANR-11-LABX-0028-01).
摘要:AbstractUnderstanding adaptation of bacterial growth for a changing environment is a fundamental biological problem which also has a great interest from the biotechnological point of view. This paper extends one of existing bacterial growth models by taking macromolecular degradation into account and provides new mathematical results. The related dynamic problem of maximizing biomass accumulation is stated in a specific way so that existence of optimal resource allocation strategies can be verified. A novel numerical algorithm for approximating switching curves of the chattering control in the state space is developed. Several realistic suboptimal feedback control laws are also constructed and successfully tested. The results of numerical simulations confirm validity of the new problem statement.
关键词:Keywordsbacterial growthmacromolecular degradationresource allocationoptimal controlchatteringswitching curvessuboptimal control