摘要:AbstractThis paper is devoted to the study of the stability of linear differential systems with commensurate delays. Within the frequency-domain approach, it is well-known that the asymptotic stability of such systems is ensured by the condition that all the roots of the corresponding quasipolynomial have negative real parts. A classical approach for checking this condition consists in computing the set of critical zeros of the quasipolynomial, i.e., the roots (and the corresponding delays) of the quasipolynomial that lie on the imaginary axis, and then analyzing the variation of these roots with respect to the variation of the delay. Following this approach, based on solving algebraic systems techniques, we propose a certified and efficient symbolic-numeric algorithm for computing the set of critical roots of a quasipolynomial. Moreover, using recent algorithmic results developed by the computer algebra community, we present an efficient algorithm for the computation of Puiseux series at a critical zero which allows us to finely analyze the stability of the system with respect to the variation of the delay [1]. Explicit examples are given to illustrate our algorithms