摘要:AbstractMany qualification of heritage such as preservation, conservation, rehabilitation, changing function, demolitation, etc. For revitalization of heritage buildings its has to make changing function follow the development of human life. It was occurred in many countries as like Netherland, Belgium, Japan, and also Indonesia. In Indonesia actually many heritage buildings who make changing function according the desire of communities. But many trouble at the location as like flooding unclear of owners who leaf detereorition. At the developed countries there were many revitalization with changing function of heritage building. And the communities responded those building eventhough the building were heritage, for example in Paris as like Gallery Lafayette.In this report we would like concern the culture tourism attraction and to get the innovation it would like use comparation method in many other countries. Observations were carried out by observing the shape of the building, function, and environment that surround the building. Successfully at the developed countries as like Netherland, Belgium, and Japan useable the strategy of revitalization of heritage building in Indonesia, especially Kota Lama Semarang which at that location there are many historic buildings were damaged at being the owner. And it would like to compare many places and this is the roling tourism planning progress finally.