摘要:This paper presents a corpus that offers rich and authentic knowledge for Juz' Amma using the ontological engineering approach. The reason of the study conducted is because of lack of understanding of Juz' Amma in the form of listing result. At the same time, the listing result does not provide pictorial tidings for clustering the listing result. Therefore, the corpus covers knowledge from various authentic sources, including translation, annotation of keywords, tafsir, and related hadiths for every verse in English and Malay. The ontology is engineered and designed to effectively utilize the authentic knowledge extracted from the corpus intended to serve a dialogue-based information visualization system for Quranic text. A standard ontology engineering methodology was applied for developing the ontology. After creation, the ontology was evaluated and was found to fulfill the goals for which it was developed. The corpus and ontology are hoped to aid various semantic applications related to Quranic text in the future.
关键词:translation; annotation of keywords; tafsir; and related hadiths for every