摘要:A new fiber fabry-perot pressure sensor is designed. It is made by photolithography, silicon wafer etching, anode bonding, microelectromechanical system technology and so on. It is suitable for the pressure measurement of micro-pressure environment under harsh environment and small space. The structure of the transmitter and the way to make it are described in detail. The design smartly uses the Fiber optic flange, the optical fiber end face is parallel to the sensitive film, thus a high-quality Fabry-Pero-cavity is formed. The structure also contributes to the stability of the initial cavity, the sensor error is reduced. The experimental demodulation system is established, the pressure, temperature and other characteristics are tested in detail. The experiment result shows that within the pressure range of 0~0.1MPa, the sensor has a good linearity, high repeatability and a sensitivity of 61.6 μm/MPa.