摘要:Retrofitting buildings with energy-efficient facilities is acommon method to reduce the energy demand in thebuilding sector (Fan and Xia [2015b], Wang et al. [2014]).Aligning with the purpose of reducing energy consumptionof buildings, a rating system energy p erformance certifi-cate for buildings (EPC), is developed by the governmentof South Africa1. The green building policy is of great helpto drive the owners or managers of buildings to improvethe energy efficiency of the buildings by retrofitting themwith energy-efficient facilities and thereafter make sure thebuildings can get an energy rating from EPC. The EPCrating system has seven levels, ranging from Grade A (veryenergy efficient) to Grade G (not energy efficient). Therequirements of obtaining a certain rating from EPC aredescrib ed in Table 1, in which Eris the reference2.