摘要:Existing optimization models (Ren et al. (2014); Kargarianet al. (2012); Nguyen and Le (2013)) only minimize theoperational cost of a multi-micorgrid system and do notconsider the pollutants (CO2, NOx, SOx, etc.) emittedby the controllable generating units within the microgridsand thermal power plants of the main grid (Lora andSalomon (2005)). These pollutants have a negative impacton the environment as they cause droughts, acid rain, heatwaves, hurricanes, increase in sea levels, i ncr ease in aver-age global temperature, increase in infectious and allergicdiseases, et c. (Franchini and Mannucci (2015)). The aimof this study is to address this problem by formulatinga constrained multi-objective optimization model whichsimultaneously minimizes the operational cost and envi-ronmental impact of a multi-microgrid system.