摘要:In recent years, energy saving has become a hot topicof scientific research (Xia, 2010). With the developmentof semiconductor materials, the technology of lamps hasbeen greatly improved in two aspects in terms of thebrightness and dimming capability. In office buildings,light emitting diode (LED) lamps have great p otential toreduce the power consumption while maintaining people’silluminance re quirements. In (Zhang, 2017), a distributedreceding horizon control approach is proposed to adjustlighting lumen output according comfortable illuminancerequirements. However, daylight harvesting is not takeninto account in (Zhang, 2017). In this study, photoelec-tric senso rs are applied to measure the illuminance overthe workspace zones. The illuminance measurements aretransmitted to luminaires and used to dete rmine the il-luminance provided by artificial lights. T hen, the optimaldimming solutions of artificial lights can be found based onan energy optimisation model. Subsequently, a distributedreceding horizon approach is proposed to realise the opti-mal set points of each light. Meanwhile, the illuminancechange of lights is also managed within a boundary.