摘要:This paper presents reduced beam section (RBS) technique on castellated beam. Aim of this study is to ensure the plastic moment reach far from column face without significant of strength decreasing. Four models of castellated beam with various types of RBS and one model without RBS have been considered. ABAQUS FEA software package was used for modelling purpose. Loading condition, i.e. lateral load as representing earthquake load, was monotonic load using displacement control at the top of the column. The result shows that the maximum load and the maximum displacement with RBS and without RBS do not portray significant difference. The maximum load RBS castellated beam and without RBS were respectively 86.17 kN and 80.63 kN. It is indicated that the RBS on castellated beam might share relatively similar maximum load compared to non RBS castellated beam and the RBS can secure the stress concentration and plastic moment, the location of which is far from the column face. The reduced beam section (RBS) is put on beam-to-column moment connected on castellated beam.